Monday 2 February 2009

Revolutionary Road

Revolutionary Road.
Revolutionary Road is a story that you won't be able to shake easily. The film will stick in your head and leave you to contemplate what has just happened on the screen before you. Richard Yates gives us the story of Frank and April Wheeler, the seemingly perfect suburbia couple. We soon find out their marriage is teetering on the edge of a collapse as they are overwhelmed by the fact that they have each made the wrong choices in their lives.
I wasn't quite sure what you were suppose to feel once the film was over. I was numb.
One line in the film has stuck with me (not quite sure how it was worded) "I pity that baby!" I think that will hit home with so many people.
I feel that society or the underprivileged in a way value that a baby can be there where to redeem themselves to make something that will live on. But that isn't the case.
It shows to what extreme people go to avoid misery. Revolutionary Road certainly made me uncomfortable throughout.
Even to watch the trailer it gives you the sense of despair. An almost unbearable urge to look away. Its like a car crash...
The film asks questions like are we really FREE? Is life an illusion?

"I cannot walk through the suburbs in the solitude of the night without thinking that the night pleases us because it suppresses idle details, just as our memory does. " – Jorge Luis Borges

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