Monday 3 November 2008

Dead Set

So, Channel 4 thought that Big Brother needed re-vamped!

Dead Set was one of those new exciting concepts for a TV show but in reality, there budget i feel let the whole concept down.
Unfortunately, I live with a Big Brother devotee, and sad as it may seem Sheila watches it religiously.
The first episode introduced the characters and give an insight into their personalities, which i felt was a pretty typical start. The opening sequence was an average Big Brother Eviction until the zombies appeared from nowhere...
Where did the infection come from?i don't suppose we will ever know. Why was this not explained?From the first episode all the audience knew was that in Britain there was a zombie invasion at the Big Brother House.
The next few episodes mirrored that of many zombie films before it...although in most zombie films i understood the general idea in this production I had so many unanswered questions more so towards the end of the production, than to start with in the first place.
Virtually 90% if not more of the cast had been covered from head to toe in zombie juice but miraculously escaped the infection!How did you become a zombie?Dead Set obviously didn't follow conventional zombie rules.
And to make matters worse, we already knew the ending from the trailers that had went out weeks in advance.
The only part i enjoyed about the whole concept was watching the Big Brother Housemates suffer and crumble in despair at the invasion trying to escape...only to be eaten alive...

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