Tuesday 25 November 2008

Wanted- Timur Bekmambetov

Wanted!What can i say...pure genius!This film did exactly what it said on the tin.
And when my mum says she enjoyed the film you know its a good'un!

The film was edited to be very fast-paced, it had moments which were well thought-out as freeze-frames, 'sitting on the edge of your seat action'. The history of the Fraternity was placed carefully throughout the film. The film was concentrated to begin with, i felt, more on the character Wesley played very-well by James McAvoy (McAvoy is almost unrecognisable). This showed the journey of Wesley finding out who he was and proving it to himself.

The Fraternity is as far as I'm aware was based on Greek Mythology, Moirae or Moerae was the God of destiny...fate. The Moirae would control the metaphorical thread of life of every mortal from birth to death, its all very fascinating. Although without having researched that i felt a little confused exactly what the Fraternity was regarding and whether it was fiction or truth.

1 comment:

Jules said...

I totally agree!! I loved this film! The shots were amazingly done and there were many "That was so cool!!" moments for me, especially the massive fight scene at the end.
I saw it in the cinema and left wanting to see it again, I really enjoyed it, even though it had bad reviews about 'it's escessive action and little storyline', which of course I don't believe!